Kubbu – a fantastic free e-learning tool

November 4, 2009

I ran a workshop at MEXTESOL 2009 titled (not by me, in my absence, and without my knowing) Continuous Assessment and Technology.

My objective was to share some free, user friendly internet tools that I have been using with my students and to show how teachers might be able to use them as an additional way of keeping track of learner progress.

The tool that seemed to impress most was Kubbu – a free e-learning tool that I heard for through Larry Ferlazzo’s blog.


5 different activity types to choose from!

If you haven’t used Kubbu yet, it’s great for designing simple quizzes, matching games and crosswords which can be either post on a class website or blog or sent directly to learning email accounts.

There are 5 different activity types to choose from. Here’s a matching game:


A rather cool matching game


Add your students' contact info and mail exercises and games straight to them

What I really like to too is that everything can be easily printed and used in class – the crossword generator is particularly useful in that crossword grids are automatically generated in a matter of seconds (anyone who has ever tried to write a crossword using word processing software will appreciate this function!).

Kubbu also makes it easy to track learner progress but providing statistical breakdowns of student performance – you can see, for example, how many times a student has done an activity, how long it took them and what they scored.


Well done Guillermo!